Unlimited Parts & Supplies Featured Products

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Cutting Machines #RS50SP “BIRDIE” Blade Size: 1 - 7/8” Cutting Depth: 7/16” (Max) Weight: 21 oz. #AS - 100 2” Mini - Cutter Excellent for small shops and sample rooms

#MB50 - C 2” Mini - Cutter Nice unit for small operations

#KL - 350A 3 1/2” Rotary Cutter

Designed to cut all types of patterns and is capable of handling slippery or synthetic materials singly or in multiple piles. #MB - 90 3 1/2” Rotary Cutter Perfect for sample rooms and small cutting

#MB - 90 - C 3 1/2” Rotary Cutter Economy type for small operations #MB - 110 4” Professional Rotary Cutter

#RC - 280 4” Professional Rotary Cutter

Revised: 5.11.2022

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